The real TIE!
I look forward to using what I have learned and poking around some more in the blogosphere. It is going to be hard to keep up!
"If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed." Source unknown
The Colorado Writing Project is meeting in holding one of their fabulous classes in my library for the next two weeks. I was talking to the instructor about online word processors. I was disappointed to find that Google has purchased Writely and hasn’t quite gotten it posted yet. I can’t wait however…
It is a happy day though…Google has released their Google Spreadsheet already. Many of you know that spreadsheets are very versatile- so lets start with this one. You can collaborate with this online project, email it to a friend- edit and make changes together. Pretty cool stuff. I’m off to lunch!
For the best results, ask permission to use the material. A great place to start to find out how to do this is from the Copyright Management Center. Check out this site for
Until next time…pg
PS… I keep looking at creative commons- here is a cool cartoon that explains it! Comic for creative commons
Well, it finally happened. I was presenting at the Colorado Technology in Education conference and showing some GREAT blog, pod and wiki sites. The room was full of interested educators one happened to be the author of my exemplar. Wow- how lucky to have met Bud (the teacher) .
We had a lively morning- lots of new information and great ideas from educators. You folks really have found ways to help students learn! I can hardly wait to see what some of your kids will do with Podcasting and Wiki's!